About Me

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I know what it's like.....

So I was fresh out of high school when I got a call from the Vice Principal. She told me about this job in Mt. Sterling and gave me the contact information in case I wanted to call and ask about it. Well I did and that was 2 years ago. I was filled with excitement when I first got it. I mean everything was new and fresh. My boss told me the only thing he really couldn't offer me was health benefits, well okay I'm 18 I don't need them. Yeah keep dreaming right, that comes due some time. In the first year and a half I didn't need the healthcare, I was fine. But in February, well one day after my birthday I started to feel bad. And I let it go because I didn't want to pay the bills, but it got to the point where I couldn't breathe and I had to go to the emergency room. Yeah good idea now it's gonna cost double. So I get to the emergency room and they give me a breathing treatment and stick this really long wire up my nose. Which hurt like hell, i've seriously never felt pain like that and it didn't make it better that they had to do it twice. Well anyway the visit to the emergency room never helped much. They told me I had a cold and sent me on my merry way, what they don't know is that it was downhill from there for another couple of weeks. But this is not the point that i'm getting at. A few weeks later I got the bills in the mail, they totaled up to $747.00. I was floored and to beat it all off that had to come from my pocket. Seriously people how is a college student supposed to have almost a grand just lying around. Get real! I just think now that if my job had came with the added benefits of benefits I wouldn't have been in that situation. I would have been able to go to the regular doctor in the first place and simply pay a $15.00 co-pay. That would have been lovely. I just don't see how in this day and time with so much technology, but yet so many new diseases being discovered that there are still millions of people without healthcare benefits and no one to help them. It disturbs me that there is nothing I can do short of giving them more money so they can buy it on their own. I wish I had insurance, but I know that there are so many more people worse off than me that don't have it either. So I say to all of them I know what it's like to see those bills and have to wonder how they can expect for you to pay them, and I ask myself how we let this become such a problem, but I keep hoping it will get better. Something has to give eventually right??

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