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Monday, May 5, 2008

Healthcare, Baby Boomers, and how that effects you.

There has been a lot of talk recently about how the baby boomers are going to seriously affect hte nations situation. So I researched the impact it is intended to have on healthcare. And it isn't good. The vast majority (over 60%) have been diagnosed with a serious health condition. This can range from Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, Heart disease, high blood pressure, or even high cholesterol. With all of these problems you would hope that they have insurance to cover it, unfortunaltely close to 7 million of them don't and haven't had since about the age of 50. As bad as this sounds for them it is only going to get worse for everyone. By the baby boomers not having the insurance to cover all thier medical costs but still needing medical attention this means that for the future there will be more healthcare issues, unstable coverage for everyone, higher medical costs (23% of them said there had been a time when they went without the needed coverage because of the cost) which could lead to major debt problems not only for the older generation. One third of baby boomers have medical bill problems or already have debt because of their medical bills.
So we've established that there are approximately 7 million baby boomers without coverage, but what about the rest of the 70 million of them. How is there coverage? Well reports say that they do not have the right coverage. About 6% (1.8 million) of them are underinsured, so they are not going to have enough insurance if something major happens in their household.
The rising price of medical coverage and the risk of it getting even more expensive has the older generation extremely worried. Half of the workers that have an income of less than $40,000 and even 42% of the families with incomes between $40,000-$60,000 claim to be worried that they may not be able to afford coverage. Most ofthem said that they are interested in early enrollment for Medicare, which doesn't help us out at all. And they have a legitmate reason to be worried, already 55% of the familes making less than $40,000 spend 5% of that income ($2,000) on out of pocket expenses and 33% spend 10% or more ($4,000 and >).
Unbelievable, how does the Government seriously expect people to make it when we can't afford the food to feed our families or the medical coverage to help them when they are sick? I want to believe that our leaders are trying to make a difference and trying to help out the little guys, but I don't think they are. At this point all I see is that they support big business and endorse the hell out of that. They may think that it's petty that we want a change but I believe it isn't too much to ask for a little help, especially now.

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