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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Bill's views on healthcare

So my favorite President is Bill Clinton, part of that is because of what he done for the country, the other part is that he was in office when I was alive. I'm not saying that there weren't other great Presidents, but I can actually remember some of the changes he made in America. Okay up until this point healthcare wasn't really an issue for the candidates, nor was it for Clinton, until he got elected. Then he and Hilary got the ball rolling. I kinda think it was more her than him, but that's a different story. The idea was to have universal coverage that was affordable to everybody. They wanted this becasue they felt that the costs that insurance companies demanded were extremely too high for what the American citizens were getting out of it. In Bill's 1992 campaign to beat George Sr. he realized that although he had not come into the race believing healthcare would be an intricate part of the race he ran, it would almost be the reason he won. He saw that reforming health care and reining in costs were integral to fixing the economy, and he also needed to take care of people's urgent needs. He and his advisers developed ideas on what should be done, here is some of the things he came up with: controlling the outrageous costs, reducing paperwork and all the red tape, making prescriptions more affordable (like the $4 ones we now have), and most importantly making sure everyone was covered. Unfortunately after all of these discussions and ideas there wasn't much that got accomplished within his time as President. K-Chip was developed though. It ensured that any child who did not have heatlhcare could now have it, it was sort of like a medical card which covered doctor's visits, prescriptions, dentists, eye doctors. Almost anything you could think of. So although he didn't accomplish everything he wanted to I would say that he did a good job with the K-Chip thing. Anything he could have done would have been an improvement over the nothing we had before. And he paved the way for future Presidents to make even more changes to the healthcare system we have. He got the ball rolling.

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